Things to Look for Before Pursuing Jones Act Settlements

There are several things that you should fully investigate before you seek out Jones Act settlements. 

Before Jones Act Settlements, Discuss Your Injury

             First, it is critical that you completely understand the nature and extent of your medical condition and injury. This is one of the most basic fundamental things that you should investigate before you even think about Jdiscuss your injury with a doctor before pursuing jones act settlementsones Act settlements. We always require our clients to be comfortable with their treating physician and to trust that any and all medical tests have been performed in order to fully investigate their medical condition. You should never pursue Jones Act settlements if you have any questions regarding your medical condition.

Before Jones Act Settlements, Determine if You Can Work

Also, you should determine whether or not you are capable of returning to work before you sign a Jones Act settlement. We encourage our clients to actually try various activities to determine the type of work that they may be able to perform in the future. One large aspect Jones Act settlements may be the consideration of whether or not you can return to earning the same amount of money as you were earning at the time of your injury. Many Jones Act settlements are very large if the injured person can no longer return to making the same amount of money they earned at the time of the accident.  Therefore, we always encourage an individual to determine the type of employment they can do before they enter into a Jones Act settlement.


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